

Labeled image datasets

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Download 59.5K English letters Labeled Image Dataset

This dataset contain 59.5K images of annotated English letters images
Below you can download the dataset, see more images from this dataset and find related datasets.


The dataset contains images of English letters and is labeled with the following categories:

I lowercaseW uppercaseH uppercaseP uppercaseHand sign lL small letter9O uppercaseP capital letterA capital letterO lowercaseY lowercaseT uppercaseE uppercaseH lowercaseHand sign dHand sign rW capital letterN capital letterY uppercaseV small letterB lowercaseL lowercaseJ capital letterX small letterHand sign mB small letterC small letterA uppercaseG lowercaseI small letterHand sign pI uppercaseJ lowercaseN small letterE lowercaseY capital letterS small letterHand sign cHand sign qD uppercaseHand sign wZ uppercaseU small letterG capital letterHand sign eG small letterK capital letterR uppercaseS lowercaseW small letterHand sign fD small letterZ lowercaseHand sign hF capital letterJ uppercaseA small letterHand sign gHand sign tB capital letterR lowercaseX capital letterY small letterS capital letterT lowercaseM small letterF small letterX uppercaseG uppercaseH small letterN lowercaseP lowercaseE small letterV uppercaseHand sign aW lowercaseT small letterB uppercaseT capital letterQ small letterD capital letterL uppercaseU lowercase5H capital letterHand sign oR small letterE capital letterM uppercaseV capital letterQ uppercaseHand sign b0L capital letterM lowercaseHand sign x24M capital letter7Hand sign uHand sign nU uppercaseF lowercaseC lowercaseQ capital letterO small letterV lowercaseO capital letterF uppercaseX lowercaseS uppercase1I capital letterK lowercaseHand sign vHand sign yZ small letterN uppercaseHand sign sA lowercaseP small letterC uppercaseZ capital letterK uppercaseQ lowercaseC capital letterK small letterJ small letterU capital letterD lowercaseHand sign kR capital letterHand sign i


English letters labeled image dataset
English letters photos
English letters pictures
English letters images
English letters dataset
English letters image dataset
English letters image classification dataset

Data sources

This dataset is can be used for image classification, object detection, image segmentation and other computer vision tasks, like image recognition and image generation.


Download dataset59.5K

English letters related labeled image datasets

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