

Labeled image datasets


How to use

This is the how to use page, that will help you understand how to use images.cv labeled image datasets.

📁 Folder stracture

After you download and unzip the dataset, you will find a data folder at the main directory, the data folder contain 3 sub-folder: train, test and val.
Each of those sub-folder will contain more folders acording to your categories that you chose to download.
The name of each folder is combined from the anotations of the images, separated by ' ' (empty space char).

🏷️ Labels

After you download and unzip the dataset, you will find a 'data' folder at the main directory, the data folder contain 3 sub-folder: train, test and val.
Each of those sub-folder will contain more folders acording to your categories that you chose to download.
The name of each folder is combined from the anotations of the images, separated by ' ' (empty space char).

🪄 Images format

The format of all the images is .jpg. We use a compression algorithm for providing you with a well detaild but small size images

🪅Image augmentation options

If you check ✅ the 'Augmentation options' on the download page, that will increase your train set randomly by 30% acording to the options that you have selected. To see which image has been augmented, go to the /train folder inside the zip file and look for the "aug" suffix

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