

Labeled image datasets

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Download 100.2K Symbols Labeled Image Dataset

This dataset contains 100.2K images of annotated Symbols images
Below you can download the dataset, see more images from this dataset and find related datasets.

image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic
image of amharic

The dataset contains images of Symbols and is labeled with the following categories:

C amharicI lowercaseW uppercaseXa amharicLl amharicGe amharicH uppercaseP uppercaseJa amharicRi amharicJo amharicX amharicFa amharicHo amharicHand sign lL small letterEquivalentMy amharicMultiplicationFu amharic9O uppercaseMa amharicP capital letterRy amharicA capital letterPy amharicAdditionO lowercaseXi amharicZe amharicY lowercaseRr amharicT uppercaseE uppercaseSy amharicY amharicPu amharicTu amharicKo amharicVe amharicDu amharicBy amharicH lowercaseHand sign dBo amharicHand sign rQu amharicQo amharicT amharicW capital letterPi amharicDi amharicN capital letterY uppercaseV small letterB lowercaseL lowercaseCa amharicJ capital letterFf amharicDa amharicX small letterQq amharicHand sign mB small letterC small letterBe amharicFe amharicJi amharicNy amharicA uppercaseBi amharicFy amharicG lowercaseKk amharicVo amharicI small letterHand sign pHa amharicI uppercaseJ lowercaseTt amharicDo amharicTi amharicQa amharicN small letterWi amharicPp amharicJj amharicZ amharicCy amharicWo amharicE lowercaseXe amharicLa amharicY capital letterHh amharicS small letterHand sign cVu amharicPa amharicHand sign qD uppercaseZi amharicZo amharicHand sign wHi amharicGg amharicZ uppercaseNa amharicCe amharicU small letterTa amharicXy amharicG capital letterNn amharicVa amharicHand sign eFo amharicMe amharicG small letterK capital letterKi amharicDe amharicR uppercaseS lowercaseW small letterHand sign fD small letterBa amharicTe amharicZ lowercaseJe amharicQy amharicHand sign hF capital letterCc amharicJ uppercaseA small letterVi amharicHand sign gHand sign tB capital letterR lowercaseX capital letterY small letterS capital letterT lowercaseLe amharicM small letterF small letterX uppercaseG uppercaseNe amharicH small letterH amharicN lowercaseP lowercaseNu amharicE small letterV uppercaseWe amharicMi amharicMo amharicHand sign aW lowercaseKy amharicT small letterB uppercaseHu amharicT capital letterQ small letterWy amharicDecimal pointZz amharicD capital letterL uppercaseU lowercaseGu amharicPe amharic5H capital letterHand sign oR small letterCu amharicE capital letterM uppercaseV capital letterCo amharicQ uppercaseWa amharicKa amharicSubtractionVy amharicHand sign b0Ci amharicVv amharicSa amharicL capital letterN amharicGi amharicJy amharicM lowercaseHand sign xNo amharic24M capital letter7Ro amharicBu amharicHand sign uGy amharicHand sign nDd amharicWw amharicU uppercaseF lowercaseC lowercaseQi amharicLi amharicQ capital letterO small letterYin yangLo amharicV lowercaseS amharicNi amharicKe amharicO capital letterDivisionSs amharicHy amharicKu amharicF uppercaseX lowercaseS uppercaseXo amharic1Lu amharicI capital letterK lowercaseHand sign vSi amharicSo amharicHand sign yZ small letterMm amharicQe amharicN uppercaseTo amharicHand sign sJu amharicLy amharicSu amharicA lowercaseP small letterZy amharicRe amharicFi amharicDy amharicXu amharicGo amharicC uppercaseZ capital letterSe amharicK uppercaseMu amharicQ lowercaseC capital letterK small letterRu amharicJ small letterP amharicRa amharicZu amharicGa amharicU capital letterD lowercaseHand sign kPo amharicZa amharicXx amharicTy amharicBb amharicWu amharicR capital letterHand sign i


Symbols labeled image dataset
Symbols photos
Symbols pictures
Symbols images
Symbols dataset
Symbols image dataset
Symbols image classification dataset

Data sources

This dataset is can be used for image classification, object detection, image segmentation and other computer vision tasks, like image recognition and image generation.

Download dataset100.2K

Symbols related labeled image datasets