

Labeled image datasets

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image of archery #0


I need datasets of archers with bow aiming on target for Bullseye

Images collected: 38 / 500
Images pending: 462
Created: October 2022

Collected images

image of archery #0
image of archery #1
image of archery #2
image of archery #3
image of archery #4
image of archery #5
image of archery #6
image of archery #7
image of archery #8
image of archery #9
image of archery #10
image of archery #11
image of archery #12
image of archery #13
image of archery #14
image of archery #15
image of archery #16
image of archery #17
image of archery #18
image of archery #19
image of archery #20
image of archery #21
image of archery #22
image of archery #23
image of archery #24
image of archery #25
image of archery #26
image of archery #27
image of archery #28
image of archery #29