

Labeled image datasets

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Download 13.7K Plant Labeled Image Dataset

This dataset contains 13.7K images of annotated Plant images
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The dataset contains images of Plant and is labeled with the following categories:

Great masterwortPurple coneflowerBishop of llandaffPotArtichoke flowerGazaniaSnapdragonColts footCanterbury bellsHouse plantCanna lilyCarnationBlanket flowerPetuniaGlobe thistleWatercressButtercupBird of paradise flowerTiger lilyCyclamenWindflowerBlackberry lilyGrape hyacinthPink primroseHippeastrumFritillaryBougainvilleaBalloon flowerStemless gentianRapeseedFire lilyGarden phloxGrassKing proteaLove in the mistWallflowerTree mallowHibiscusPoinsettiaJoshua treeSword lilySunflowerLotusPincushion flowerGeraniumPink yellow dahliaSpear thistleOrange dahliaMallowRed gingerBlack eyed susanTrumpet creeperPeruvian lilyLenten roseThorn applePrince of wales feathersSpring crocusPelargoniumCalifornian poppyMagnoliaRuby lipped cattleyaGiant white arum lilyMarigoldDaffodilAzaleaCamelliaGlobe flowerJapanese anemonePalm treeCautleya spicataOxeye daisyBushPassion flowerAnthuriumBarbeton daisyBee balmBonsaiHard leaved pocket orchidToad lilyDaisyMexican petuniaCardoonClematisEnglish marigoldCape flowerYellow irisCactusSweet williamTree poppyBearded irisSilverbushBromeliaBall mossDesert roseMorning gloryAlpine sea holly


Plant labeled image dataset
Plant photos
Plant pictures
Plant images
Plant dataset
Plant image dataset
Plant image classification dataset

This dataset is can be used for image classification, object detection, image segmentation and other computer vision tasks, like image recognition and image generation.

Download dataset13.7K

Plant related labeled image datasets