

Labeled image datasets

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Electronics Labeled Image Dataset

Amount of images: 51.8K

This dataset contains 51.8K annotated images of Electronics
Below you can download the dataset, see more images from this dataset and find related datasets.

image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player
image of tape_player

The dataset contains images of Electronics and is labeled with the following categories:

Tape playerRefrigeratorElevatorLaptop computerSpeakerLoudspeakerMobile phones back sideTelevisionPay phoneLaptopSmartphoneCell phoneStopwatchDigital watchDesktop computerCellphoneMegaphoneRadioSpace heaterHard discHeadphoneModemWristwatchStereoKeyboardHand held computerHeadphonesCellular telephoneRadio telescopeCeiling fanRemote controlMicrophonePower outletDial telephoneHand blowerSpace barWeb siteVacuumElectric fanIronSewing machineCd playerWashing machineCassetteCassette playerHome theaterTelephoneComputer keyboardMobile phoneJoystickTypewriter keyboardIpodGramophone


Electronics labeled image dataset
Electronics photos
Electronics pictures
Electronics images
Electronics dataset
Electronics image dataset
Electronics image classification dataset

Data sources

This dataset is can be used for image classification, object detection, image segmentation and other computer vision tasks, like image recognition and image generation.

Download dataset51.8K

Electronics related labeled image datasets