

Labeled image datasets

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Download 126.7K Bird Labeled Image Dataset

This dataset contains 126.7K images of annotated Bird images
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image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird
image of bird

The dataset contains images of Bird and is labeled with the following categories:

Golden pheasantGouldian finchEuropean gallinuleVulturine guineafowlRoyal flycatcherFinchRavenBlue heronMasked lapwingAsian crested ibisPalilaFrigateJabiruBlack francolinBald eagleBlack throated warblerBustardVictoria crowned pigeonKaguBee eaterBanded broadbillVaried thrushSandpiperWood duckSpangled cotingaPurple swamphenTeal duckHummingbirdAfrican greyOcellated turkeyRudy kingfisherCockatielRuffed grouseBali starlingPelecaniformesRoadrunnerBearded barbetImperial shaqRed wiskered bulbulChara de collarHelmet vangaPtarmiganHawkHorned larkCouchs kingbirdGray catbirdHoatzinJuncoAlexandrine parakeetEmperor penguinCanarySamatran thrushCerulean warblerBrown thrasherSteamer duckAmerican bitternCrested nuthatchBulwers pheasantGolden cheeked warblerStripped manakinEnggano mynaCuban trogonTurkey vultureGilded flickerEurasian golden orioleAntbirdTurquoise motmotRed honey creeperNightjarSri lanka blue magpieTakaheSparrowFlame tanagerRufuos motmotNorthern mockingbirdElegant trogonBlack tail crakeNorthern shovelerCommon grackleStrawberry finchOkinawa railBornean leafbirdBornean pheasantMasked boobyCrowned pigeonCollared aracariDowny woodpeckerFire tailled myzornisParadise tanagerRing necked pheasantCurl crested aracuriToucanPuffinKookaburraLorySpoonbillGooseTouchanRed backed sandpiperGold wing warblerHawaiian gooseBar tailed godwitBrown noodyCapped heronBobolinkRed breasted merganserDouble barred finchBlonde crested woodpeckerBearded reedlingHeronPeacockClarks nutcrackerBlackburniam warblerPartridgeHouse finchWilsons bird of paradiseAmerican cootHorned guanCarmine bee eaterScarlet ibisMalabar hornbillPurple gallinuleStripped swallowBitternVermilion flycatherRed naped trogonBarred puffbirdRed winged blackbirdMandrin duckWhite tailed tropicSwinhoes pheasantLovebirdShoebillVenezuelian troupialEastern bluebirdBaltimore orioleRed bearded bee eaterQuetzalLears macawGlossy ibisHooded merganserBird kiwiCalifornia quailGrey ploverNorthern cardinalAmerican goldfinchGo away birdFalconLorikeetBlack storkEastern rosellaOyster catcherEagleScarlet macawBay breasted warblerTurkeyAraripe manakinWall creaperGuineafowlGolden pipitBarn owlTownsends warblerGolden eagleHarpy eagleSunscreenOvenbirdParus majorStorkLark buntingCrested caracaraRufous kingfisherPeregrine falconDuckD arnauds barbetMacawCapuchinbirdSwanGuinea turacoAnnas hummingbirdSandhill craneRough leg buzzardOrange brested buntingNorthern flickerRed faced cormorantWhip poor willGreat potooIbisGang gang cockatooCommon house martinJava sparrowOstrichSnowy owlHouse sparrowMikado pheasantCrimson sunbirdOwlAlbatrossRed tailed thrushBluebirdChukar partridgePotooMourning doveCedar waxwingMallard duckRed headed woodpeckerEastern meadowlarkBald ibisCommon starlingGambels quailHimalayan monalMarabou storkNorthern jacanaKing vultureSpoon biled sandpiperGreator sage grouseCinnamon tealWhimbrelCommon firecrestInca ternBlack throated bushtitNorthern gannetBulbulCalifornia gullNorthern goshawkAfrican firefinchGyrfalconParrotCockatooPainted buntigSoraMynaOrioleBlack swanOspreyRosy faced lovebirdVultureAfrican crowned craneAmerican redstartAmerican kestrelScarlet tanagerMaleoHoopoesStork billed kingfisherWhite necked ravenBarn swallowGreen jayRed browed finchBlack throated sparrowRuby throated hummingbirdWattled curassowNicobar pigeonSand martinQuailPygmy kingfisherCrowRed tailed hawkBird of paradise birdCommon poorwillLong eared owlMalachite kingfisherBlack vultureWoodpeckerRock doveYellow bellied flowerpeckerPink robinTree swallowGoldfinchNorthern red bishopLimpkinDouble brested cormarantCassowaryFairy bluebirdCock of the rockChipping sparrowDowitcherRedshankEurasian magpieEmuPenguinBlack skimmerTit mouseNorthern parulaRuddy turnstoneSeagullShort billed dowitcherCock of the rockBlack capped chickadeeBornean bristleheadWild turkeyAmerican pipitFlamingoCoucalGila woodpeckerRainbow lorikeetLilac rollerNoisy friarbirdCape may warblerTrumpter swanPurple finchBearded bellbirdUmbrella birdRed headed duckPelicanWhite cheeked turacoKakapoBlue grouseHornbillCalifornia condorPigeonSnowy egretDoveWater ouzelMagpieCommon loonLittle blue heronHorned sungemIndigo buntingPhilippine eagleDrakeDark eyed juncoPurple martinCaspian ternCactus wrenMalagasy white eyeParakeetAmerican avocetChickadeeBramblingEastern toweeRazorbillWarblerKing penguinWhite throated bee eaterIndian bustardViolet green swallowCuban todyGreat grey owlGreen broadbillGolden chlorophoniaSplendid wrenTaiwan magpieGray partridgeKingfisherSuperb starlingAnhingaMagpie gooseSulphur crested cockatooRed faced warblerYellow caciqueSmiths longspurRed bellied pittaOystercatcherKilldearAmerican egretRegent bowerbirdEvening grosbeakElliots pheasantWhite storkFlamingo headRobinJacamarCardinalCrested aukletBlack necked grebeNorthern bald ibisJayBanded pitaCrane


Bird labeled image dataset
Bird photos
Bird pictures
Bird images
Bird dataset
Bird image dataset
Bird image classification dataset

This dataset is can be used for image classification, object detection, image segmentation and other computer vision tasks, like image recognition and image generation.

Download dataset126.7K

Bird related labeled image datasets