

Labeled image datasets

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Download 70.8K Apparel Labeled Image Dataset

This dataset contains 70.8K images of annotated Apparel images
Below you can download the dataset, see more images from this dataset and find related datasets.


The dataset contains images of Apparel and is labeled with the following categories:

Black pantsWoolBrown pantsWhite shoesSombreroJacketFur coatSunglassBlue dressSunglassesWhite dressRed pantsLab coatWhite pantsMilitary uniformBuckleBrassiereHandkerchiefBeltMiniskirtT shirtBlack shortsBlue shortsLoaferBowtieGownWhite shortsBlue shirtWindsor tieJerseyMittenSandalSuitBrown shoesApronBolo tieUnderwearFeather boaBathing capClogBlack shoesBonnetSwimming trunksTrench coatPurseShower capCowboy hatSweatshirtCowboy bootStoleHoopskirtAbayaBow tieBlack shirtAcademic gownBlack dressBlue pantsSweaterSarongGreen shirtBlue shoesRed dressRunning shoeGreen shoesPajamaFlip flopsSockKimonoGreen pantsBrown shortsEyeglassesPonchoGreen shortsOverskirtRed shoes


Apparel labeled image dataset
Apparel photos
Apparel pictures
Apparel images
Apparel dataset
Apparel image dataset
Apparel image classification dataset

This dataset is can be used for image classification, object detection, image segmentation and other computer vision tasks, like image recognition and image generation.

Download dataset70.8K

Apparel related labeled image datasets