

Labeled image datasets

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300 bird species classification

43622 Train, 1500 Test, 1500 Validation images 224X224X3 jpg format


License: CC0: Public Domain

Datasets available in this source:

image of golden_pheasant
Golden pheasant
123 images
image of gouldian_finch
Gouldian finch
136 images
image of vulturine_guineafowl
Vulturine guineafowl
174 images
image of royal_flycatcher
Royal flycatcher
145 images
image of blue_heron
Blue heron
173 images
image of masked_lapwing
Masked lapwing
133 images
image of asian_crested_ibis
Asian crested ibis
160 images
image of palila
126 images
image of frigate
127 images
image of jabiru
148 images
image of black_francolin
Black francolin
137 images
image of bald_eagle
Bald eagle
1.5K images
image of black_throated_warbler
Black throated warbler
143 images
image of victoria_crowned_pigeon
Victoria crowned pigeon
154 images
image of kagu
146 images
image of banded_broadbill
Banded broadbill
191 images
image of varied_thrush
Varied thrush
196 images
image of wood_duck
Wood duck
216 images
image of spangled_cotinga
Spangled cotinga
128 images
image of purple_swamphen
Purple swamphen
155 images
image of teal_duck
Teal duck
167 images
image of ocellated_turkey
Ocellated turkey
125 images
image of rudy_kingfisher
Rudy kingfisher
163 images
image of bali_starling
Bali starling
137 images
image of roadrunner
125 images
image of bearded_barbet
Bearded barbet
165 images
image of imperial_shaq
Imperial shaq
147 images
image of red_wiskered_bulbul
Red wiskered bulbul
129 images
image of chara_de_collar
Chara de collar
136 images
image of helmet_vanga
Helmet vanga
123 images
image of horned_lark
Horned lark
178 images
image of couchs_kingbird
Couchs kingbird
143 images
image of gray_catbird
Gray catbird
158 images
image of hoatzin
160 images
image of alexandrine_parakeet
Alexandrine parakeet
169 images
image of emperor_penguin
Emperor penguin
137 images
image of canary
282 images
image of samatran_thrush
Samatran thrush
133 images
image of cerulean_warbler
Cerulean warbler
166 images
image of brown_thrasher
Brown thrasher
168 images
image of steamer_duck
Steamer duck
122 images
image of american_bittern
American bittern
175 images
image of crested_nuthatch
Crested nuthatch
154 images
image of bulwers_pheasant
Bulwers pheasant
126 images
image of golden_cheeked_warbler
Golden cheeked warbler
179 images
image of stripped_manakin
Stripped manakin
151 images
image of enggano_myna
Enggano myna
131 images
image of cuban_trogon
Cuban trogon
141 images
image of turkey_vulture
Turkey vulture
152 images
image of gilded_flicker
Gilded flicker
141 images
image of eurasian_golden_oriole
Eurasian golden oriole
142 images
image of antbird
155 images
image of turquoise_motmot
Turquoise motmot
158 images
image of red_honey_creeper
Red honey creeper
139 images
image of sri_lanka_blue_magpie
Sri lanka blue magpie
166 images
image of takahe
126 images
image of flame_tanager
Flame tanager
177 images
image of rufuos_motmot
Rufuos motmot
192 images
image of northern_mockingbird
Northern mockingbird
143 images
image of elegant_trogon
Elegant trogon
147 images
image of black_tail_crake
Black tail crake
153 images
image of northern_shoveler
Northern shoveler
135 images
image of common_grackle
Common grackle
183 images
image of strawberry_finch
Strawberry finch
167 images
image of okinawa_rail
Okinawa rail
128 images
image of bornean_leafbird
Bornean leafbird
128 images
image of bornean_pheasant
Bornean pheasant
127 images
image of masked_booby
Masked booby
139 images
image of crowned_pigeon
Crowned pigeon
122 images
image of collared_aracari
Collared aracari
179 images
image of downy_woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
129 images
image of fire_tailled_myzornis
Fire tailled myzornis
150 images
image of paradise_tanager
Paradise tanager
179 images
image of ring_necked_pheasant
Ring necked pheasant
154 images
image of curl_crested_aracuri
Curl crested aracuri
142 images
image of puffin
130 images
image of kookaburra
148 images
image of spoonbill
1.5K images
image of touchan
142 images
image of gold_wing_warbler
Gold wing warbler
132 images
image of hawaiian_goose
Hawaiian goose
128 images
image of bar_tailed_godwit
Bar tailed godwit
125 images
image of brown_noody
Brown noody
131 images
image of capped_heron
Capped heron
143 images
image of bobolink
163 images
image of double_barred_finch
Double barred finch
150 images
image of blonde_crested_woodpecker
Blonde crested woodpecker
150 images
image of bearded_reedling
Bearded reedling
151 images
image of peacock
1.7K images
image of clarks_nutcracker
Clarks nutcracker
163 images
image of blackburniam_warbler
Blackburniam warbler
134 images
image of house_finch
House finch
1.5K images
image of wilsons_bird_of_paradise
Wilsons bird of paradise
130 images
image of american_coot
American coot
1.4K images
image of horned_guan
Horned guan
121 images
image of carmine_bee_eater
Carmine bee eater
129 images
image of scarlet_ibis
Scarlet ibis
141 images
image of malabar_hornbill
Malabar hornbill
128 images
image of purple_gallinule
Purple gallinule
134 images
image of stripped_swallow
Stripped swallow
125 images
image of vermilion_flycather
Vermilion flycather
158 images
image of red_naped_trogon
Red naped trogon
162 images
image of barred_puffbird
Barred puffbird
141 images
image of red_winged_blackbird
Red winged blackbird
130 images
image of mandrin_duck
Mandrin duck
134 images
image of white_tailed_tropic
White tailed tropic
179 images
image of swinhoes_pheasant
Swinhoes pheasant
215 images
image of shoebill
180 images
image of venezuelian_troupial
Venezuelian troupial
132 images
image of eastern_bluebird
Eastern bluebird
131 images
image of baltimore_oriole
Baltimore oriole
139 images
image of red_bearded_bee_eater
Red bearded bee eater
197 images
image of quetzal
154 images
image of lears_macaw
Lears macaw
134 images
image of glossy_ibis
Glossy ibis
176 images
image of hooded_merganser
Hooded merganser
140 images
image of bird_kiwi
Bird kiwi
237 images
image of california_quail
California quail
126 images
image of grey_plover
Grey plover
125 images
image of northern_cardinal
Northern cardinal
134 images
image of american_goldfinch
American goldfinch
139 images
image of go_away_bird
Go away bird
135 images
image of eastern_rosella
Eastern rosella
125 images
image of oyster_catcher
Oyster catcher
209 images
image of scarlet_macaw
Scarlet macaw
121 images
image of bay_breasted_warbler
Bay breasted warbler
150 images
image of araripe_manakin
Araripe manakin
162 images
image of wall_creaper
Wall creaper
172 images
image of guineafowl
142 images
image of golden_pipit
Golden pipit
123 images
image of indian_pitta
Indian pitta
196 images
image of barn_owl
Barn owl
126 images
image of townsends_warbler
Townsends warbler
170 images
image of golden_eagle
Golden eagle
128 images
image of harpy_eagle
Harpy eagle
178 images
image of ovenbird
235 images
image of parus_major
Parus major
128 images
image of lark_bunting
Lark bunting
124 images
image of crested_caracara
Crested caracara
148 images
image of rufous_kingfisher
Rufous kingfisher
156 images
image of peregrine_falcon
Peregrine falcon
134 images
image of d_arnauds_barbet
D arnauds barbet
237 images
image of capuchinbird
135 images
image of guinea_turaco
Guinea turaco
164 images
image of annas_hummingbird
Annas hummingbird
144 images
image of sandhill_crane
Sandhill crane
162 images
image of rough_leg_buzzard
Rough leg buzzard
130 images
image of orange_brested_bunting
Orange brested bunting
138 images
image of northern_flicker
Northern flicker
143 images
image of red_faced_cormorant
Red faced cormorant
130 images
image of great_potoo
Great potoo
139 images
image of gang_gang_cockatoo
Gang gang cockatoo
148 images
image of common_house_martin
Common house martin
135 images
image of java_sparrow
Java sparrow
126 images
image of ostrich
1.6K images
image of snowy_owl
Snowy owl
162 images
image of house_sparrow
House sparrow
131 images
image of mikado_pheasant
Mikado pheasant
153 images
image of crimson_sunbird
Crimson sunbird
204 images
image of tasmanian_hen
Tasmanian hen
137 images
image of red_tailed_thrush
Red tailed thrush
135 images
image of chukar_partridge
Chukar partridge
171 images
image of mourning_dove
Mourning dove
128 images
image of cedar_waxwing
Cedar waxwing
183 images
image of mallard_duck
Mallard duck
140 images
image of red_headed_woodpecker
Red headed woodpecker
136 images
image of eastern_meadowlark
Eastern meadowlark
196 images
image of bald_ibis
Bald ibis
149 images
image of common_starling
Common starling
147 images
image of gambels_quail
Gambels quail
153 images
image of himalayan_monal
Himalayan monal
159 images
image of marabou_stork
Marabou stork
202 images
image of northern_jacana
Northern jacana
159 images
image of king_vulture
King vulture
141 images
image of spoon_biled_sandpiper
Spoon biled sandpiper
148 images
image of greator_sage_grouse
Greator sage grouse
186 images
image of cinnamon_teal
Cinnamon teal
123 images
image of whimbrel
143 images
image of common_firecrest
Common firecrest
141 images
image of inca_tern
Inca tern
126 images
image of black_throated_bushtit
Black throated bushtit
123 images
image of northern_gannet
Northern gannet
151 images
image of california_gull
California gull
126 images
image of northern_goshawk
Northern goshawk
127 images
image of african_firefinch
African firefinch
143 images
image of gyrfalcon
127 images
image of cockatoo
167 images
image of painted_buntig
Painted buntig
166 images
image of sora
203 images
image of myna
141 images
image of black_swan
Black swan
1.4K images
image of osprey
126 images
image of rosy_faced_lovebird
Rosy faced lovebird
143 images
image of african_crowned_crane
African crowned crane
135 images
image of american_redstart
American redstart
141 images
image of american_kestrel
American kestrel
128 images
image of scarlet_tanager
Scarlet tanager
135 images
image of maleo
125 images
image of hoopoes
132 images
image of stork_billed_kingfisher
Stork billed kingfisher
140 images
image of white_necked_raven
White necked raven
119 images
image of barn_swallow
Barn swallow
138 images
image of green_jay
Green jay
157 images
image of red_browed_finch
Red browed finch
140 images
image of black_throated_sparrow
Black throated sparrow
168 images
image of ruby_throated_hummingbird
Ruby throated hummingbird
144 images
image of wattled_curassow
Wattled curassow
143 images
image of nicobar_pigeon
Nicobar pigeon
130 images
image of sand_martin
Sand martin
156 images
image of pygmy_kingfisher
Pygmy kingfisher
174 images
image of red_tailed_hawk
Red tailed hawk
203 images
image of bird_of_paradise_bird
Bird of paradise bird
133 images
image of common_poorwill
Common poorwill
167 images
image of long_eared_owl
Long eared owl
123 images
image of malachite_kingfisher
Malachite kingfisher
167 images
image of black_vulture
Black vulture
129 images
image of rock_dove
Rock dove
138 images
image of yellow_bellied_flowerpecker
Yellow bellied flowerpecker
137 images
image of pink_robin
Pink robin
127 images
image of tree_swallow
Tree swallow
183 images
image of northern_red_bishop
Northern red bishop
135 images
image of double_brested_cormarant
Double brested cormarant
188 images
image of cassowary
126 images
image of fairy_bluebird
Fairy bluebird
155 images
image of cock_of_the__rock
Cock of the rock
0 images
image of chipping_sparrow
Chipping sparrow
122 images
image of brown_crepper
Brown crepper
176 images
image of eurasian_magpie
Eurasian magpie
158 images
image of emu
176 images
image of black_skimmer
Black skimmer
123 images
image of tit_mouse
Tit mouse
147 images
image of northern_parula
Northern parula
198 images
image of short_billed_dowitcher
Short billed dowitcher
166 images
image of cock_of_the_rock
Cock of the rock
129 images
image of black_capped_chickadee
Black capped chickadee
139 images
image of bornean_bristlehead
Bornean bristlehead
133 images
image of wild_turkey
Wild turkey
146 images
image of american_pipit
American pipit
176 images
image of flamingo
2.1K images
image of gila_woodpecker
Gila woodpecker
147 images
image of rainbow_lorikeet
Rainbow lorikeet
144 images
image of lilac_roller
Lilac roller
143 images
image of noisy_friarbird
Noisy friarbird
160 images
image of cape_may_warbler
Cape may warbler
140 images
image of trumpter_swan
Trumpter swan
137 images
image of purple_finch
Purple finch
129 images
image of bearded_bellbird
Bearded bellbird
146 images
image of umbrella_bird
Umbrella bird
152 images
image of red_headed_duck
Red headed duck
127 images
image of pelican
1.4K images
image of bananaquit
171 images
image of white_cheeked_turaco
White cheeked turaco
154 images
image of kakapo
136 images
image of blue_grouse
Blue grouse
184 images
image of hornbill
1.5K images
image of california_condor
California condor
154 images
image of snowy_egret
Snowy egret
132 images
image of common_loon
Common loon
124 images
image of horned_sungem
Horned sungem
126 images
image of indigo_bunting
Indigo bunting
1.5K images
image of philippine_eagle
Philippine eagle
157 images
image of dark_eyed_junco
Dark eyed junco
206 images
image of purple_martin
Purple martin
124 images
image of caspian_tern
Caspian tern
214 images
image of cactus_wren
Cactus wren
124 images
image of malagasy_white_eye
Malagasy white eye
145 images
image of american_avocet
American avocet
178 images
image of eastern_towee
Eastern towee
132 images
image of razorbill
192 images
image of white_throated_bee_eater
White throated bee eater
156 images
image of indian_bustard
Indian bustard
136 images
image of violet_green_swallow
Violet green swallow
198 images
image of cuban_tody
Cuban tody
126 images
image of green_broadbill
Green broadbill
147 images
image of golden_chlorophonia
Golden chlorophonia
144 images
image of splendid_wren
Splendid wren
126 images
image of taiwan_magpie
Taiwan magpie
145 images
image of gray_partridge
Gray partridge
125 images
image of superb_starling
Superb starling
153 images
image of anhinga
151 images
image of magpie_goose
Magpie goose
150 images
image of red_faced_warbler
Red faced warbler
174 images
image of yellow_cacique
Yellow cacique
161 images
image of smiths_longspur
Smiths longspur
125 images
image of red_bellied_pitta
Red bellied pitta
154 images
image of killdear
172 images
image of regent_bowerbird
Regent bowerbird
125 images
image of evening_grosbeak
Evening grosbeak
145 images
image of elliots_pheasant
Elliots pheasant
148 images
image of robin
1.5K images
image of crested_auklet
Crested auklet
128 images
image of black_necked_grebe
Black necked grebe
141 images
image of northern_bald_ibis
Northern bald ibis
128 images
image of banded_pita
Banded pita
172 images